It is our great pleasure to invite you to the Second International Conference on Singlehood (InCoSin), which will be held online at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, between 14th to 17th of December 2023.

Welcome from the Chair of the Scientific and Organizing Committees.

The rising number of single individuals observed in the United States of America, Canada, as well as in many European and Asian countries enhances the belief that single individuals cannot be ignored in science and public debate.

To further make a shelter for single individuals in science and society, we are delighted to invite all the young and experienced researchers representing various disciplines to participate online in the Second International Conference on Singlehood (InCoSin) entitled “Singlehood from Multidisciplinary Perspective.“ We are honored that we can organize the International Conference on Singlehood (InCoSin) under the umbrella of the grant financed by the National Science Centre in Poland (grant no. UMO-2019/34/E/HS6/00164) awarded to Katarzyna Adamczyk. 

We hope that such a multidisciplinary perspective will initiate a vivid and refreshing discussion on the phenomenon of singlehood across academic disciplines and make us closer to a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of singlehood. 

We encourage all researchers to participate in the conference in various forms, including individual presentations, symposiums, roundtable discussions, and posters. 

We look forward to welcoming you all!

Katarzyna Adamczyk, Ph.D., Chair of Scientific and Organising Committees